Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting It

Whilst all decent people should applaud the member for Calwell's support for the Palestinians, one remains puzzled by this statement:

"'What I've struggled to understand, there seems to be this fear of offending Israel,' Victorian Labor MP and chairwoman of the Palestinian friendship group, Maria Vamvakinou, says. 'To be honest with you, I don't get it. This is an international issue and if you take an intellectual approach to it, it's about an ongoing occupation that goes to the question of justice, one people being subjugated by another. I can't see how my colleagues can't see this. I don't understand how you can refuse to see what is happening to the Palestinian people is wrong.'" (Messages from the war zone, Daniel Flitton, Sydney Morning Herald, 24/11/12)

Which of the following press-clippings, to list but a few*, does Maria not get?

"The Jewish community was an important source of Labor funds for the 2007 election. A single lunch in Sydney raised $100,000. A Toorak tennis court party for 200, attended by Rudd and Julia Gillard raised more." (What am I, chopped liver? How Rudd dived into schmooze mode, Peter Hartcher, Sydney Morning Herald, 22/6/10) 

"On Wednesday evening... the heirs to Richard Pratt's multi-billion-dollar fortune - Alex and Heloise Waislitz - opened their Toorak mansion to 20 of Melbourne's brightest young business people. The special guests were Julia Gillard and Victorian Premier John Brumby. And the price of admission? $5000 a head... For one upcoming function at the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce in Sydney, the waiting list has grown to 700 to hear Ms Gillard talk... About 800 people are now scheduled to attend the function. Premium tables will set participants back $3,300." (Leaders strike gold, hobnobbing with the top end of town, Damon Kitney, The Australian, 30/7/10)

"On the Labor side (and as far as I know the same applies to the Liberals), a newly selected member for a winnable seat is hosted to a private fundraising dinner. A table full of Jewish businessmen are happy to hand over $10,000 for the candidate's first campaign. That's a big bonus for a new member and many never forget that generosity. I was never afforded the honour, but I can say that I would have been suspicious of the motive." (Former ALP politician Julia Irwin - See my 11/8/10 post Julia Irwin spills the beans.)

"... Ms Gillard attended a pre-election breakfast with the Jewish community at Mr Dadon's Toorak mansion on Sunday. The ALP increasingly regards Mr Dadon as a major conduit to donations, including from the Jewish business community." (Mathieson job on the line, Epstein & Millar, The Age, 19/8/10)

[For those interested in more, simply click on the relevant label below.]

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