Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pollies in Love

While most people prefer to keep their love lives private, this is not always the case for our movers and shakers. We have The Australian Jewish News to thank for the following sizzling confession of undying love from NSW Opposition leader John Robertson:

"It is an eternal truth that the state of Israel and the Jewish community will always have a proud friend in NSW Labor. I am reminded of this every day as I go about my official work. In 1974, the Jewish Board of Deputies presented a mace to the Legislative Assembly to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the NSW Parliament. More recently, I was privileged to attend the permanent unveiling of a menorah in the Parkes Room - a beautiful gift to the Parliament from the Yeshiva Centre and Chabad NSW. These gifts are not simply symbols. They speak to the underlying bond between Australia and Israel." (Rosh Hashana greeting, 14/9/12)

Now it may be river deep and mountain high for Robbo, but what about his opposite number, Premier Barry O'Farrell? Alas, I'm afraid this is about as good as it gets:

"And as our history reflects, Australia is strongly committed to strong, bipartisan support for Israel to be able to live in security and peace." (ibid)

Boooring, Barry!

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