Friday, October 16, 2015

'Die You Son of a Whore. Die! Die!'

Well worth reading: Israel, the Media & the Anatomy of a Sick Society by Eric Draitser,, 15/10/15. Here's an extract:

"The video of 13 year old Palestinian Ahmed Manasrah bleeding to death on the pavement of an East Jerusalem neighbourhood has been described as 'shocking,' 'disturbing,' and 'painful to watch.' The callous verbal abuse and insults from Israelis watching the child writhe in agony are variously characterized as 'heartless' and 'cruel'; and indeed they are. 'Die you son of a whore. Die! Die!' the Israeli onlookers can be heard shouting in the video which has since gone viral on social media.

"What the Ahmed Manasrah video laid bare for the world to see is the inhumanity of Zionism, a Jewish supremacist ideology which necessarily places non-Jews in an inferior relation to Jews, which places less value on the life of the non-Jew. It is not simple hatred that motivated the disgusting comments from the onlookers, it is an ingrained, inter-generational sense of superiority bred of dehumanization of the Palestinian, and the Arab generally. This fundamental fact is only very rarely discussed, but it lies at the heart of the Palestine conflict. By seeing Arabs as subhuman, many Israelis are able to justify, often on an unconscious level, all forms of brutality, violence, and oppression."

1 comment:

  1. Disgusting, but what exactly is "complicated" about this situation ?

    Supporters of the Bandit State deploy the word "complicated" to avoid debate on this issue.
