Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Jerusalem Syndrome

Denis Michael Rohan (1941-1995)
Scott Morrison (1968 -):

Denis was an Australian.
Scott is an Australian.

Denis set fire to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque on 21 August 1969.
Scott recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital on 15 December 2018. (Let's not beat around the bush here: Morrison's blather about "acknowledging the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a future state with its capital in East Jerusalem" is mere face-saving verbiage.)

Denis was a member of the California-based sect the Church of God.
Scott is a member of the Australian branch of the Montana-based Assemblies of God.

Denis was big on the Old Testament.
Scott quoted the Old Testament in his maiden speech.

Denis was stark, staring mad.
Scott is...

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