Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Redundancy of Dave Sharma

File under 'once a rooster, today, a feather duster':

"The place was the House of Representatives. The day: Thursday, July 25, 2019. The time, 3pm. This will go down in Australian political history as the Day that Dorothy Dixers, which are embarrassing at the best of times, finally committed political harakiri. Liberal backbencher Dave Sharma took to his feet to deliver the pre-approved question - the last question in what, remarkably, was only the fifth question time of the 46th parliament. 'My question is to the Prime Minister,' he read. 'Will the Prime Minister update the house on further action the government has taken this week to deliver on its priorities?" (The day the Dorothy Dixer died... surely, Alice Workman, The Australian, 26/7/19)

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." (Ecclesiastes 1:2) - Sharma's bizarre ambassadorship to Israel, the Wentworth by-election surprise - moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem - his pro-Israel advocacy pieces for Murdoch's Australian. All in the past. Now this...


  1. I am imagining the scene:

    Dave runs after the Chief Whip along the corridors of the parliament building and, after a long chase, eventually catches him:

    Dave (panting): "Bert, please, please, can I say something in the House?"

    Bert: "Can't you see I'm busy."

    Bave: "But please, Bert, this is important."

    Bert: "Not as important as the bombshell I've just been handed."

    Dave: "Oh, please, Bert."

    Bert: "For f**k's sake, Davo, what more do you want? We put you up for election, and even offered to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Look how much trouble we got for that - Saudi Arabians, Indonesians, and Malays were all murmuring about sanctions. Then you managed to stuff up that bye-election. And even after that fiasco, we put you up again - you can thank Scomo for being here. And now you want to say something as well? Your backers' pockets may be deep but there's a limit you know."

    Dave: "Yes, but the guys in the constituency, the heavies, they're complaining. They're saying that I'm not pulling my weight. I need to be taking the fight to Albanese. They're reminding me that this is Turnbull's seat. Got to be more prominent."

    Bert (passes DS a scrap of paper): "Ok, ok. Just read this out at Question Time. Just that - no more - don't add anything, don't part from the script. And read it properly. Go and practice it till you get it right. No stuff-ups this time."

    Bert walks off giggling to himself, leaving Dave mouthing the words.

  2. ROFL Grappler! There is a line of thought that says we get the politicians we deserve, but I'm pretty sure none of us deserve this lot!
