Friday, October 2, 2015

James Petras on Jewish Supremacism 2

Challenging the Myths of Jewish Supremacists

"There are serious problems regarding the claims of the Jewish Supremacists.

"For centuries Jewish 'wisdom' was confined to textual exegesis of religious dogma - texts full of superstition and social control, as well as blind intolerance, and which produced neither reasoned arguments nor contributed to scientific and human advancement.

"Jewish scholarship of note occurred among thinkers like Spinoza who revolted against the Jewish ghetto gatekeepers and rejected Jewish dogma.

"Notable scientists emerged in the context of working and studying with non-Jews in non-Jewish institutions - the universities and centers of learning in the West. The majority of world-renowned Jewish scholars integrated and contributed to predominantly non-Jewish (Muslim and Christian) and secular institutions of higher learning.

"Historically, highly talented individuals of Jewish origin succeeded by renouncing the constraints of everyday Jewish life, rabbinical overseers and Jewish institutions. Most contemporary prestigious scientists, including the frequently cited Nobel Prize winners, have little or nothing to do with Judaism and their contributions have everything to do with the highly secular, integrated culture in which they prospered intellectually - despite expressions of crude anti-Semitism in the larger society.

"Secondly, Jewish Supremacists persist in claiming 'racial credit' for the achievements of individuals who have publicly renounced, denounced and distanced themselves from Judaism and have dismissed any notion of Israel as their spiritual homeland. Their universal prestige has prevented them from being labeled apostate or 'self-hating'. Albert Einstein, often cited by the Supremacists as the supreme example of 'Jewish genius', denounced Israel's war crimes and showed disdain for any tribal identity. In their era, Marx and Trotsky, like the vast majority of emancipated European Jews, given the chance, became engaged in universalistic organizations, attacking the entire notion that Jews were a 'special people' chosen by divine authority (or by the latter-day Zionists).

"Thirdly, Supremacists compile a very selective list of virtuous Jews, while omitting areas of life and activity where Jews have disproportionately played a negative and destructive role.

"After all, is it Jewish 'genius' that makes Israel a leading exporter of arms, intrusive, high-tech spy systems and sends military and paramilitary advisers and torturers to work with death-squad regimes in Africa and Latin America?

"Among the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize are three Israeli Prime Ministers who waged wars of ethnic cleansing against millions of Palestinians and expanded racist 'Jews only' settlements throughout the occupied Palestinian territories. These include Menachem Begin (notorious career bomber and terrorist), Yitzhak Rabin (a militarist who was assassinated by an even more racist, Jewish terrorist), and Shimon Peres. Among Jewish-American Nobel 'peaceniks' is Henry Kissinger who oversaw the brutal and illegal US war in Indo-China, causing 4 million Vietnamese deaths; who wrote the 'template for regime change' by overthrowing the democratically elected government of Chilean President Allende and condemned Chile to decades of police state terror; and who supported Indonesia's destruction of East Timor.

"In other words, these Nobel recipients, who Supremacists cite as 'examples of Jewish Supremacy', have sown terror and injustice on countless captive peoples and nations - giving the Nobel Peace Prize a dubious distinction.

"Among the greatest billion dollar swindlers in recent US history we'd find a disproportionate percentage of American Jews - curiously not mentioned by the Supremacists in their usual litany: Bernard Madoff pillaged over $50 billion from his clients, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken and Marc Rich are well-known names, adding the distinction of 'Jewish genius' to a list of financial mega-felons.

"Among the less respectable notables whose material successes have been tarnished by personal weaknesses, we have the billionaire and pedophile pimp, Jeffry Epstein; IMF President, rapist and debaucher, Dominic Strauss Kahn; entrepreneur and 'nudist' Dov Charney; New York Governor and 'repeat customer, Elliot Spitzer; Congressman and exhibitionist Anthony Weiner; and the fun-loving sports impresario who brought down FIFA, the piratical Chuck Blazer. Curiously, none of these extraordinarily successful notables have been cited as examples of Jewish Supremacy.

"As we contemplate the millions of war refugees driven from the Near East and North Africa, we should credit the role of US neo-liberal and neo-conservative ideologues and policymakers - a disproportionate percentage of whom are Jews. Millions of Chilean workers suffered as Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys 'advised' Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet on dismantling the welfare state (even if it required the murder of trade unionists!). Ayn Rand (Alyssa Rosenbaum) and her fanatical free market epigones have savaged all progressive social legislation and turned the most retrograde forms of selfishness into a religion of 'superiority'!

"The disastrous US war against Iraq was largely organized, promoted and justified by a disproportionate percentage of US Jews (Zionists), including leading policymakers in the Bush and Obama administrations - Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Elliott Abrams, Dennis Ross, Martyn Indyk, David Frum, Shulsky, Levey, Cohen, Rahm Emanuel etc. They continue to push for war against Iran and should be seen as the 'godfathers' of the tragedies of Iraq, Syria and Libya from which millions have fled.

"The biggest financial crisis since the great depression was largely due to the financial policies of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan. The trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street by Ben Shalom Bernacke and Stanley Fischer, while Janet Yellen ignored the plight of millions of Americans who lost their homes because of mortgage foreclosures.

"In sum, Jewish Supremacists should proudly take credit for the American Jews who have been disproportionately responsible for the largest economic and foreign policy failures of the contemporary period - including the horrific suffering these have entailed! 

"Back in the more normal world of crime, Russian-Jewish mobsters dominate or share supremacy with the Italian Mafia in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami and scores of cities in between. They display their unique genius at extortion and murder - knowing they can always find safe haven in the 'Promised Land'!

"On the cultural front, the finest Jewish writers, artists, musicians and scientists have emerged outside of Israel. A few may have immigrated to the Jewish state, but many other intellectuals and artists of note have chosen to leave Israel, repelled by the racist, intolerant and repressive apartheid state and society promoted by Jewish Supremacists."

To be continued...

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