Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Australian War Memorial's Latest Exhibition

The following post comes from Australia's Honest History website (

"The Australian War Memorial has opened a permanent display on the Holocaust (SBS report.) The exhibition, The Holocaust: Witnesses & Survivors, builds on the memories of 30,000 Holocaust survivors who made their homes in Australia after World War II. Many of the artefacts came from the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne. Honest History has previously been critical of the War Memorial's indifference to events not directly affecting Australians; it looks forward to doing a review of this new exhibition." (Australian War Memorial opens permanent display on Holocaust, 30/11/16)

The post appends the text of a speech given by Dr Brendan Nelson, the memorial's director (and former Liberal Party leader!). It opens with these words:

"Six million people... That is how many people were exterminated in the worst genocide of the twentieth century. Jews, Roma, gypsies, the disabled and political prisoners..."

It seems that Nelson is oblivious to the fact that Roma and gypsies are one and the same people.

"... But almost all were Jews... "

It seems he's equally oblivious of the fact that the Nazi genocide is generally estimated to have involved around 11 million deaths, and included gays, priests, the disabled, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and Russians.

"... Jewish identity has been shaped by three things: Anti-Semitism, still a virulent and repugnant force in many parts of the world. The Holocaust or 'Shoah'. The embattled nature of the state of Israel for whom existence is a daily struggle..."

That last sentence, in particular, should act as a warning light for whoever it is from Honest History who is intending to review this exhibition. Zionism's shameless strategy of using the suffering of European Jewry under the Nazis as a shield against criticism of the apartheid state and its crimes against the truly embattled Palestinian people, for whom existence is a daily struggle, is sadly in evidence in Nelson's speech. The question arises: Is it also in evidence in the exhibition?

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