Friday, January 25, 2019

Magic Happens, even in The New York Times

Pence backs anti-Maduro moves was the header for The New York Times report recycled in yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald.

"US Vice-President Mike Pence," it began, "has declared the United States' 'unwavering support' for planned mass protests in Venezuela against president Nicolas Maduro, the most explicit backing yet by the Trump administration as opposition leaders try to unseat Maduro... 'We are with you,' Pence wrote on Twitter on Tuesday in both Spanish and English, adding, 'We stand with you, and we will stay with you until Democracy is restored and you reclaim your birthright of Libertad'."

The report went on to cover the ins and outs of the matter. These included the emergence of the president of Venezuela's National Assembly as a touted replacement for Maduro, and Trump's "all options are on the table" speech at the UN last September. All pretty standard fare for the average news junkie.

But then, magic, as the saying goes, happened, and lo and behold, came this truly prophetic, utterly subversive utterance, the third last paragraph:

"Many citizens of Latin America recall a long history of the US supporting coups in the region by right-wing military leaders who then quashed democratic processes and rule of law to maintain power for years and sometimes decades."

Was the nameless journalist - there was no byline - who secreted these timeless words of contextual wisdom in his report trying to tell us something? Something to do with the future of Venezuela if Pence and his cronies have their way?

Was he what!

1 comment:

Grappler said...

Not only Pence. Trump has dubbed Guaido as President of Venezuela - who needs elections?
Canada, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Argentina all recognized him. The EU Exec (aka Donald Tusk) and Theresa May have both supported Guaido. All within a few hours - interesting. In this case, Guaido wasn't a military leader - on the contrary - the Venezuelan Army appears to support Maduro and Guaido seems to be taking refuge in some embassy. At this stage it looks like the leaders of several countries have egg on their faces. But what's new!