Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What's Dave Doing?

"Liberal candidate for Wentworth Dave Sharma argued that the policy had shades of communism. 'I don't want to see it like the Soviet Union where we all have to buy a Trabant,' he said, referring to the notoriously unreliable vehicle produced in East Germany." (Electric car surge puts grid 'at risk', Cole Latimer, Sydney Morning Herald, 9/4/19)

Well, he may be kicking the commie can, but at least he's not waving an Israeli flag... yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave's marketing problem is that he is seen a a one trick pony. His well rehearsed old trick is grovelling to Israel by attempting to put lipstick on the pig. This trick may mesmerise the deluded and amoral denizens in the corridors and antechambers of parliament house but falls flat on the electors of Wentworth, as the recent by-election has demonstrated.

The Sydney Morning Herald has come to Dave's rescue.

Watch the Liberal party throw buckets of [other peoples] money at this seat during the next election.

What's the bet that the Libs have Dave earmarked as a potential foreign minister?

Has anyone asked how Dave stands on Australia's commitment to the Geneva Conventions and international law?