Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Mind-Forg'd Manacles of Greg Sheridan

Greg Sheridan, foreign editor of Murdoch's Australian offers up this little historical sketch on the background to today's protests in Hong Kong:

"When Beijing took control of Hong Kong in 1997, there was a certain brutality underlying the process. There was never any question of an act of self-determination for Hong Kong, as for other colonies being freed from their colonial rulers." (Soon one country, one system, The Australian, 15/6/19)

Yet, the exact same could be said with respect to Palestine:

When Britain took control of Palestine in 1917-18, there was a certain brutality underlying the process. There was never any question of an act of self-determination for Palestine, as for other colonies being freed from from their colonial rulers.

And that was because, as any historically literate person should know, Palestine had been promised in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to the Zionist movement.

The historically illiterate Sheridan then goes on to say:

"Senior [Communist] party spokesmen have often enough said that all so-called 'overseas Chinese' are regarded as Chinese, and as owing loyalty to the Chinese state." (ibid)

The exact same could be said for Palestine:

Senior [Israeli] spokesmen have often enough said that all so-called 'overseas Jews' are regarded as Israelis, and as owing loyalty to the the 'Jewish' state.

Those who don't, of course, are denigrated as 'self-hating Jews'.

Quite how individuals like Sheridan can live in such a state of cognitive dissonance, intellectual laziness, and sheer grating ignorance is a source of never-ending fascination for me. I think the great English poet William Blake (1757-1827) captured ignoramuses like Sheridan to perfection in his poem London:

In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,
The mind-forg'd manacles I hear


Grappler said...

What brutality? Where have HK protesters been shot by snipers as Palestinians are on a weekly basis? Where is the deliberate labelling of a segment of society as second class, if not worse? Where is the demolition of protesters' homes in HK? Yet the ABC has subjected us to more than one anti-Chinese article a day for the past three weeks (I have that on record). I have seen no anti-Israel article there.

This is an extradition treaty these people are protesting against. Look at what is about to happen to Assange courtesy of an extradition treaty - where is the ABC outrage about that? Why should HK continue to be a haven for people from the mainland who have broken the law - typically corrupt business people?

Grappler said...

The UK Labour Party has, unwisely to my mind, adopted some rules about anti-semitism which require that Israel should be held to no greater standards than other countries. I am waiting for the ABC to hold Israel to the same standards that it holds China. Meanwhile, the ABC is capable of publishing this piece of garbage:


Health warning as usual.

Anonymous said...

The international corporate MSM, including the usual suspects at the ABC, are spooked by the prospect of an even moderately pro-Palestinian like Jeremy Corbyn ever becoming British P.M.

Should Corbyn be elected, which is a distinct possibility considering the current shambles, stand by for a concerted and sustained hate and vilification echo chamber campaign against him and his policies.

Greg [Jerusalem Prize] Sheridan's job is safe.

Monk said...

Well the powers that be have got their propaganda organs the corporate media, the ABC, the BBC et al in full Let's Demonise China mode at present. On a daily basis we are being "educated" on:

Chinese persecution, mass detention and "re-education" of the Uyghurs (including the wholesale destruction of mosques;

Chinese persecution of the Falun Gong and the program to harvest the living organs of thousands of its imprisoned practitioners;

Chinese attempts to gain more control over Hong Kong by the introduction of an extradition mechanism;

Chinese aggression in the South China Sea;

Chinese cyber-warfare against the West (including, we are told, the poor old ANU)

Chinese manipulation of its currency;

Chinese interference with the political processes of other countries, including Australia

And so on... and so on... and so on...