Sunday, October 5, 2008

In the Genes?

What a hoot! Here's armchair warrior Michael Rubin, "resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute" and "principal drafter of the Bipartisan Policy Centre's taskforce on US policy towards Iranian nuclear development," beating the war drums on the opinion(ated) pages of The Australian. He sagely warns against relying on diplomacy with those taught to lie through their teeth in the dreaded madrasah: "Dialogue may sound good in theory but the diplomacy taught in Western academies and that taught in Iranian seminaries bear no resemblance to each other. While diplomats in the US, Europe, and Australia seek compromise, Iranian diplomats learn taqiyya, religiously-sanctioned lying." (Obama or McCain, Iran stance won't change: Iranian deception will force the next president to ratchet up sanctions, 3/10/08)

From whence the Bush administration's weapons of mass deception?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where ARE those WMDs, anyway? I'm starting to worry the case for the war in Iraq might begin to fall apart soon!
