Monday, February 11, 2019

The Jury's in on Morrison's Jerusalem Surprise

No wonder the Morrison government's got it in for the ABC:

"Australian embassies were put on notice to upgrade travel warnings and boost security BEFORE the Government's shock Israel embassy [16/10] announcement during the Wentworth by-election, sensitive documents reveal." (Australian embassies warned over security before Scott Morrison's Israel announcement, Dan Conifer & Michael McKinnon,, 9/2/19)

Note that was "JUST ONE DAY BEFORE"! (ibid)

So there you go. Damn the travelling public - as long as Dave Sharma gets in!

Speaking of the guy who once gushed that "Israel will always be in our hearts, blood, souls, veins":

"The documents... emphasised Mr Sharma's role in the decision. 'The Prime Minister will announce he has found the arguments put forward by Australia's former Ambassador to Israel [Dave Sharma]... persuasive,' it said." (ibid)

And yet, at the time the announcement was made:

"The Coalition denied the policy was aimed at wooing Jewish voters in the inner-Sydney electorate, which is home to the largest proportion of Jewish voters in Australia." (ibid)

The jury's in then: Scott Morrison's Jerusalem surprise - for the buck stops with the prime minister - was nothing more than a shameless grab for the Jewish vote, initiated by an Israel-besotted, wannabe politician and undertaken without regard for potential security, diplomatic or commercial consequences.

This commendable ABC sleuthing should be front-page news, but I won't be holding my breath for too long.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in Holland
Netherlands irks Israel by granting Palestinians there right to list Gaza & West Bank as birthplace

Grappler said...

So far support for Zionism in Australia (and the UK and US) has been achieved on the quiet. It has been kept away from being an electoral matter. Politicians are pre-selected or bribed or blackmailed to support it, and elections are fought on other concerns. Amazingly Zionism has captured all major parties to a great extent. That is only possible if it is done on the quiet.

The last thing the Zionists want is for Israel to become a major electoral issue, but increasingly, it is coming to the fore. And then people start asking where the interests of Australia lie. Leaving aside the very real ethical issues, should we support a regime that reflects none of our values in terms of democracy, non-discrimination, respect for life, yet costs us both in military support for wars in which we have no vested interest and in goodwill from a significant proportion of the population of the world?

Agreed MERC, we finally see a small patch of light in the recent ABC headlines about the embassy move and its repercussions, though I worry it is more about having a go at Morrison than reflecting a serious attempt to overcome the massive bias by ABC in reporting Middle Eastern matters.

Anonymous said...

This means Morrison deliberately disregarded security advice and put (continues to put) Australian lives at risk for a few lousy votes in Wentworth. MSM do your job, and expose the truth about the Jerusalem decision. Thankfully,the voters in Wentworth saw through the schtick! Hopefully, the Labor party heeds the message and exposes the truth about this deplorable episode.