Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance

Jerusalem Post journalist Ron Friedman writes about the proposed deportation of some 1200 children born to illegal foreign workers in Israel: "In a country where the word 'deportation' is laden with emotional baggage, the Israeli government is grappling with the dilemma of whether to deport the children of illegal foreign workers, ahead of a self-imposed November 1 deadline." (, republished in The Australian Jewish News, 23/10/09, as Labour Pains)

He quotes Ze'ev Factor from the Centre of Organisations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel: "[Israel has] a moral obligation especially in light of what happened to the Jewish people. We are talking about children who only know our country and only speak our language, and children must not be allowed to experience expulsion from their country of birth, just because of their ethnic origin. It is a lesson that is carved in our flesh."

Well said, Ze'ev. I assume that noble sentiment extends to all those Palestinian kids (and their descendents) expelled from their homeland just because of their ethnic origin in 1948?

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