Monday, April 22, 2019

On the Campaign Trail with Dave Sharma

"And while we may no longer be Australia's ambassador to Israel, we will be very proud ambassadors for Israel to the world." (Rachel Lord, From Australia's ambassadors to Israel to ambassadors for Israel to the world, Jerusalem Post, 14/6/17)

Here are the latest sightings of Dave Sharma, former Australian ambassador to Israel, currently "very proud ambassador for Israel to the world", and Liberal candidate (yet again!) for Turnbull's old seat of Wentworth:

1) The following words of  Australia's "very proud ambassador for Israel to the world" make me wonder whether, in cases such as this, a 'noble sentiments' version of the 'directions for use' instruction found on pharmaceuticals is needed:

"I wish a Chag Pesach Sameach to the Jewish community celebrating the festival of Passover. I have many fond memories of nights spent around the Seder table in Israel reflecting on the escape from oppression, the pathway to liberty, and the triumph of freedom. These messages are just as relevant today, and we must remember these values as we struggle against intolerance and affirm the freedom we cherish as a society. As we reflect on why this night is different from all other nights and retell the story of the escape from Egypt, we should also pause to cherish the freedoms we enjoy here in Australia..." (Former Australian ambassador to Israel and candidate for Wentworth in the upcoming election Dave Sharma sends his message for Pesach,, 18/4/19)

In the case of Sharma's noble sentiments above, for example, it could read: 'Applicable only to Australian Jews in particular, and Australians more generally. Not to be taken at all seriously by occupied/diaspora Palestinians'.

2) The Wentworth Courier, reveals, in a sneak-peek, that Mr & Mrs Sharma and the kids are now well and truly installed in their newly renovated Paddington terrace, "filled with treasures from his time abroad." (Souvenir edition, Melissa Hoyer, 17/4/19)

You will, of course, be fascinated to know that Dave and his wife, "international human rights lawyer for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade," Rachel Lord, "share their home with two Israeli street cats", "ceramics from the Middle East and Mediterranean", and "a tiled coffee table from Hebron."

Most interesting is the photograph of Dave's framed Zionist posters, 'Visit Palestine' (Franz Krausz, 1936) and 'Come to Palestine' (Zeev Rabin), which hark back to a time when Zionists had no problem whatever with the P-word (and which have most recently been appropriated by supporters of the Palestinian cause).

Alas, Ms Hoyer did not take the opportunity to ask Australia's "very proud ambassador for Israel to the world" about them, sadly depriving us of what could well have been a most interesting answer.

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