Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Way of The Greens

Only in Murdoch's Australian:

"Jewish groups [ie Zionist lobbyists] are furious over 'hatred-inciting' [ie factual] comments accusing Israel of 'genocide' made by the lead organiser of the Greens' campaign in Melbourne's most Jewish electorate."* (Greens face backlash over genocide claim, Elias Visontay, 2/4/19)

Oh dear!

"David Jeffery, a staffer for Greens candidate Steph Hodgins-May in the seat of Macnamara [formerly known as Melbourne Ports], said [correctly] deaths in the Gaza Strip were 'genocide', and used the hashtags '#F...kFascism' and '#noPrideInGenocide' in Facebook posts." (ibid)

Howls of outrage from readers of the The Australian: 'Booh! Hiss!' 'Off with his head!' 'To the stake!'

Enter Grand Inquisitor Alex Ryvchin, co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry. Hue and cry subside as he thunderously hurls the charge:

"Mr Jefferey's 'appalling comments represent the lowest form of activism. [They] betray a complete contempt for the sovereign rights of the Jewish people and an ignorance of fact and history - which can serve to incite hatred'." (ibid)

And then, smiling, almost in a whisper:

"[I urge Ms Hodgins-May] to consider whether she wishes to be associated with a person of Mr Jefferey's temperament and intellectual capacity'." (ibid)

Enter a shaken Steph Hodgins-May:

"Ms Hodgins-May told The Australian she would make arrangements for Mr Jeffery to spend time with the Jewish community in the seat 'to better learn why the language was harmful'." (ibid)

The accused is then dragged in to cries of 'Recant! Recant!' from readers

And then, in a still, small voice:

"Mr Jeffery told The Australian he was 'wrong to use a word like genocide... to describe the actions of the Israeli government, although I strongly oppose its conduct'." (ibid)

[*"The comments from last year, which have been seen by The Australian, have since been deleted." (ibid).]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part ; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Well if the shoe fits.......