Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ladies Who Rambam 2

Hilarious sound bites from Geraldine Doogue's latest Israel promo on Radio National, What Australia can learn from Israel... to support start-ups (Saturday Extra, 4/6/16).

The Gush was interviewing Jillian Segal of the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce following the latter's trip to Israel last month with M'Lady Lucinda to explore its upstart start-up 'ecosystem'. (See my 20/5/16 post Ladies Who Rambam.):

JS: Everyone you spoke to [there] had this sort of upstart start-up nation in their DNA.


JS: We were struck by the fact that the Israelis are looking... to the rest of the world and their main aim is to have, as they would describe it, the social impact. It is to change the world, but it's also to do good.  

GD (agog): To do good?!

JS: To do good. To make money, and to do good at the same time...


Grappler said...

That gave me a good laugh this morning MERC! Geraldine is certainly precious.

MERC said...

Maybe I should call her Gush Emunim.

Vacy said...

The Gush! how apt!