Sunday, April 28, 2019

56th Black Friday

Words fail:

"On the 56th Friday of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege, Israeli forces wound 110 civilians, including 37 children, 3 women, 4 paramedics and a journalist." (, 27/4/19)


Grappler said...

I checked ABC - searching "Gaza" on the ABC website. Nothing about this of course. There were several hits about Gaza recently. Almost all were framed in terms of "Israeli retaliation" against Hamas rockets. As we know, Hamas and Gazans are constantly being oppressed so every action they might take is a retaliation against Israeli violence, and usually Hamas rockets are a retaliation to a specific piece of Israeli violence. Our tax dollars at work.

Anonymous said...

"Our tax dollars at work." And don't think things will change if the ALP win! Israel doubling down, and just when you think things can't get any worse, they do.

Anonymous said...

Murdering civilians is a war crime. Can anyone point to ANY provision of the Geneva Conventions observed by the Bandit State?

Australia claims to be a High Contracting Party to the conventions. This entails an obligation to report breaches to the I.C.R.C. in Geneva.

Australia has also incorporated the conventions into domestic law, the Geneva Conventions Act.

I am continually nauseated by various politicians, speaking about themselves, sprouting adherence to "OUR VALUES," as if they are shared.