Sunday, May 6, 2012

Greg Sheridan On His Hind Legs

"Sir, Greg Sheridan's preaching morality is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." (With apologies to Dr Johnson)

Speaking of shills for Israel, Greg (Jerusalem Prize) Sheridan, foreign editor of Murdoch's Australian, is at it again:

"Australian taxpayers should not be forced to fund organisations with links to terrorists. This is the case with aid to at least one Palestinian group." (Don't give aid to groups with terrorist connections, 3/5/12)

Oh yes, Palestinians, terrorism. Mind if I nod off now?

"It's not against the law, but it's wrong. It's morally and politically objectionable. It ought to stop."

Hello? A faithful servant of the guy who's just been accused by a UK parliamentary committee of "wilful blindness," and deemed "not fit to run a major international company," lectures us about wrong and right? So where'd you get your chutzpah, Greg?

"The Australian government aid agency, Ausaid, gives millions of dollars, through the private charity World Vision, to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, which works in the Gaza Strip."

The G-G-G-Gaza Strip? Home of the H-H-H-Hamas "death cult,"* right, Greg? (See my 21/5/09 post Repeat After Me.)

"The problem is..."

Stop right there. If a Zionist shill like Sheridan says it's a problem, then we all better sit up and take notice, right? Wrong.

"... the UAWC and its personnel have deep links with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP is a proscribed terrorist organisation under the relevant UN list, Australian legislation and the legislation of numerous other countries. It is one of the central progenitors of modern terrorism."

I'm so glad you said "one of the central progenitors of modern terrorism," Greg. Could the others have included the Irgun and the Stern Gang, who were strutting their stuff when George Habash was still in short pants? (See my posts Breathtaking Zionist Hypocrisy (27/6/08) & Fabricating Dr George Habash (2/2/08))

Now where's all this froth and bubble coming from?

"[A] group of Israeli lawyers, Shurat HaDin [which] sent a complaint to Ausaid and World Vision charging that these bodies would be in breach of the law because support for UAWC could be construed as indirect support for a terrorist organisation."

Could be construed as..? Right. As a Zionist shill Greg knows all about putting a construction on things  (Hamas death cult?) but not even he can get excited over this particular construction:

"I think that overstates the legal case...

However, even an Israeli fart would be taken seriously by Greg, so...

"... but I think the moral and political case against funding the UAWC is overwhelming."

Groan. But do not despair, even a Sheridan piece can occasionally yield a grain of truth:

"In the Palestinian territories, it can be difficult to work effectively on the ground and not rub shoulders with people who have terrorist connections."

Yes, Greg, Palestinians can hardly move from A to B without running a gauntlet of trigger-happy  terrorists, quaintly labelled 'Israel Defence Forces'.

But hey, there's more!

"I asked Teresa Gambaro, the opposition's development assistance spokeswoman, about the UAWC."

Of course you did! I mean, she's been rambammed real good (2006/2012), hasn't she?

"It would appear that Ausaid is providing funds to World Vision to fund an organisation that has links to a terrorist organisation."

How lame is that? Seriously, Teresa really should stick to things she knows about - you know, like telling migrants how to queue and use deodorant. (See my 6/2/12 post Here We Go Again!)

Related Posts: 'On whose back are we fighting terrorism?' (15/7/08); Charities of Middle Eastern Appearance (2/8/08)

PS: According to The Australian Jewish News, veteran Israel-friendly senator, Michael Ronaldson (rambammed 2007), has written to foreign minister Bob Carr calling for an Ausaid investigation into Shurat HaDin's allegations to be made public and the holding of a "proper inquiry." Senator demands inquiry into 'terror' funding (4/5/12) ends with the following conclusive evidence that the UAWC is as guilty as hell: "According to Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, the UAWC does support the global Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions campaign against Israel."

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