Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Rogue Elephant in the Room

M'Lord Turnbull struts his stuff and nonsense on the world stage:

"In his first address to [the UNGA]... Mr Turnbull has dispensed with the usual conservative coolness towards the UN's perceived ineffectiveness... to laud its performance in solving complex international problems... With the exception of Syria in particular, he will assert that the UN has performed remarkably well." (UN's crucial role in world peace lauded by Turnbull, Mark Kenny, Sydney Morning Herald, 22/9/16)

With the exception of Syria? That's it?

What a joke this puppet of the Israel lobby is.

1 comment:

Grappler said...

It is interesting to see which countries have used the veto most in the UN Security Council and about what:

Russia/USSR is slightly ahead of the US overall, but the topic that by far has dominated UN vetoes is I/P - and the US has been the one exercising the vetoes on that.