Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Battle for Balmain

Like, O WOW. Just WOW:

"It's been seven long years since NSW Labor surrendered a treasured slice of its historical heartland to the Greens. Destined to be billed as the Battle for Balmain... the state election campaign of 2019 is shaping up as another litmus test for the parties' respective claims to the area as 'heartland' country. Labor invested its hopes in a fresh face, untainted by the scandals of its dying days in power, which saw it removed from government in 2011. Over the next year, Elly Howse - a 29-year-old feminist, inner west local and public health PhD student - will attempt to pull off a feat that has so far proved impossible for even veteran politicians. NSW Labor has never taken back a seat off the Greens once they have lost it." (Battle for Balmain as Labor places faith in young gun candidate, Lisa Visentin, Sydney Morning Herald, 14/5/18)

What's not to like? Go, Elly Howse!

Oh, wait a minute...

"Student recipients of the Rambam Fellowship come from Liberal, Labor Right, and Labor Left factions. For members of Labor Left who accept the Fellowship, the matter is particularly complicated as their actions contradict the faction's stance against Israel's occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Former USYD SRC President and recipient of the Rambam Fellowship Elly Howse was said to have taken part in a sponsored trip with strong anti-Zionist views, but returned home more sympathetic to Israel. Honi was unable to reach Howse for comment." (NUS Israel trips are no spiritual pilgrimage, Rafi Alam & Xiaoran Shi, Honi Soit, 19/8/13) (See my 1/10/13 post A Transformative Experience.)


Grappler said...

I woke this morning to the sickening news from Gaza,MERC. When are we going to follow Turkey and South Africa and withdraw our ambassador? I have vowed that if I do not see a strong condemnation of this act from our political leaders of any party they will not receive my vote again.

Grappler said...

Those newspapers who are so fond of putting harrowing pictures staged by the White Helmets in Syria should carry the picture from the Angry Arab website this morning of a man in a wheelchair, having already lost two legs to Israeli snipers, trying to throw a slingshot. He was killed last night.

Anonymous said...

Not a single mention in the www.smh.com.au

MERC said...

Of course not. That's why I'm here. If the media did its job...