Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Australian Glasses the Herald

Is it just me, or are Israel's massacres in Gaza beginning to lose oxygen to a confected Murdoch press campaign on the issue of whether or not a certain Fairfax cartoonist's and/or columnist's commentary on those massacres can be characterised as anti-Semitic or not?

Certainly, it will come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Murdoch's flagship, The Australian, that it is currently cock-a-hoop over the Sydney Morning Herald editor's backdown over Glen Le Lievre's powerful cartoon comment on Israeli barbarism. Yesterday's edition, for example, contained the following 'story':

"North shore reader Renee Glass received an apologetic phone call from [Herald editor Darren] Goodsir. Mrs Glass said she told Goodsir that after 28 years as a Herald reader, she was 'disgusted' by his paper's coverage of Israel. At one stage, Goodsir said to me, 'I'm not an anti-Semite'. I said to him, 'I'm not saying that, but you're responsible for the content of your newspaper', Mrs Glass said. It took her more than 10 minutes to cancel her subscription earlier in the day. 'The guy didn't want to take our cancellation and put us through to a woman in another department who kept my husband on the phone for 10 minutes. She was begging him not to cancel', Mrs Glass said." (Cartoon costs Fairfax readers, ads, Sharri Markson/ Darren Davidson, 5/8/14)

Frankly, I don't believe a word of it.

I mean, are we seriously expected to believe that Mr & Mrs Glass, faithful Herald readers for 28 years, are now recoiling from it in disgust, as though from a copy of Der Sturmer? Or that the Glasses, who apparently find Carlton and Le Lievre more unpalatable than Israel's murderous rampage in Gaza, would ever have chosen the Herald over our very own Antipodean Jerusalem Post, The Australian?

Moreover are we also seriously expected to believe that our suddenly outraged North Shore Herald subscriber, Renee, is a mere innocent bystander in the matter when a little googling reveals that the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) has posted a February 9 letter from her to Oxfam, defending the existence of a SodaStream factory in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, and condemning the BDS movement as destructive? (


Anonymous said...

There was once, in the U.K. Australia and elsewhere in the Commonwealth, the law of "sedition" which criminalized any criticism of the The British royal family.

This included any unflattering caricature ridicule or even poking fun.

Isn't it the job of cartoonists to make a caricature?

Thankfully the law is long gone and the royal family is routinely ridiculed.Fair game,even for cartoonists and journalists.

However the royal family have been replaced by THE NEW ROYALTY, Zionists, the Bandit State of Israel and the obedient chorus of apologists. By law and practice.

Funnily enough the most vocal critics of Mike Carlton and Glen Le Lievre are the same shrill crowd calling for the end of 'political correctness' and 'free speech', but only for themselves presumably. You know who you are News Limited, Andrew Bolt & Co.

Mannie De Saxe said...

......and I still can't work out why they don't all emigrate to Israel - after all they almost claim it is their own country - never mind they are living comfortably in Australia with no attacks from those pesky Palestinians!
Mannie De Saxe