Thursday, September 18, 2014


Sydney, 1948:

Hundreds of Sydney Jews rallied to praise the Jewish State (whose terrorists had been ethnically cleansing Palestine of its non-Jews) and proclaim their allegiance to it:

"Several days before the proclamation of the State the Zionist Federation received a cable from the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem advising us to hold a suitable celebration on Saturday evening 15th May when it was expected that the Jewish State would be proclaimed after the abolition of the mandate and the withdrawal from Palestine by Great Britain on that day. At its meeting on 12th May the Federation Executive decided to invite key workers and communal leaders to attend a high tea on Saturday at the Maccabean Hall... By seven in the evening there were over 400 people in the hall and the doors had to be closed against further entry with several hundred remaining outside. Short addresses were delivered by Horace Newman, Abram Landa, Jack Brass and myself giving expression to our overwhelming joy and pledging unstinting support to the Yishuv in the hard struggle which lay ahead." (Zion in Our Time: Memoirs of an Australian Zionist, Max Freilich, 1967, pp 206-07)

Sydney, 2014:

"[T]housands of Sydney Muslims rallied to denounce Islamic State [whose terrorists have been ethnically cleansing northern Iraq of its non-Sunnis] and proclaim their allegiance to Australia..." (Islamic State 'has betrayed our faith', Paul Maley, The Australian, 16/9/14)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, whoever set up and bankrolled Al Qa....err ISIS has betrayed Islam, mostly be using Islam as its cover.