Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Israeli-Saudi-Egyptian Axis

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"Mohamad bin Abdallah Zahrani, Mohamad bin Abdullah Rabia and Walid bin Abdel Rahman al-Obaidi top a list that includes the names of senior officers in Saudi Arabia. The list was part of classified documents that were leaked to make the story public: Saudi Arabia has been cooperating with the Israeli government over military training courses, joint military cooperation and management of sensitive areas in the Middle East. The 2014 memorandum of understanding was concluded on joint military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea, and was exposed recently as the secret documents were leaked by a senior military official linked to left-wing liberal [Israeli] party 'Meretz'. One of the most stunning details of the leaks is that the agreement was concluded to [facilitate?] Saudi Arabia and Israel['s] management of sensitive passageways such as the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal, and the Red Sea littoral countries as well. Playing a game of mutual interest, the oil-rich country and Israel held a joint operation staff [meeting] on Tiran Island. The island will be used as the headquarters of a joint operation between Tel Aviv and Riyadh in the Red Sea..." (Saudi Arabia & Israel in joint training, mutual interests in Red Sea,, 15/4/16)

[*Tiran and Sanafir are two small, uninhabited islands in the Red Sea, recently transferred by Egypt to Saudi Arabia.]

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